sales skills
Selling Value
Selling Value Assuming the quality of your offerings is truly better than the alternatives in the marketplace, objective third-party data that supports your advantages will go a long way toward helping your company meet its sales goals by selling value. Be sure to furnish your [...]Read more
Sharing Critical Feedback
Our latest column from Training Magazine, Sharing Critical Feedback gives advice on how to deliver difficult messages to staff. The article touches upon ideas introduced in some of our customized workshops, including our Having Challenging Conversations workshops and our [...]Read more
Boosting Sales
Our latest column from Training Magazine, Boosting Sales gives advice on how to keep your salespeople motivated. The article touches upon ideas introduced in some of our customized workshops, including our Having Challenging Conversations workshops and our Negotiation workshops. [...]Read more
Selling Value (First Edition)
In Training Magazine’s January/February 2011 issue, Consensus’ Selling Value article discusses how to help salespeople refrain from conceding on price to get the quick sale. Click here to download the article Selling Value How to train salespeople to stop conceding on [...]Read more