Gain the Advantage

When facing your most critical negotiations with so much on the line, wouldn’t you want a seasoned expert in your corner?
When experiencing the aggravation and costs associated with a seemingly intractable conflict, how would you feel about a trained professional quickly resolving the situation without acrimony or costly, drawn out litigation?
Consensus can help you develop strategies for getting the most out of your negotiations, prepare you to perform at your best, and even sit at the negotiation table with/for you to ensure that you optimize your results. We take steps to protect your relationship with the other side, but not at the expense of meeting your objectives and maximizing your benefit.
Similarly, Consensus can help you resolve all types of conflicts. Whether serving as your representative or as a neutral third-party, we’ll pursue your interests while using a collaborative approach that will help restore your relationship with the other side.
Would you go to court without a lawyer?
When grappling with an important legal matter, do you shoot from the hip or turn to a trained, subject matter expert?
When facing a significant financial or tax matter, do you rely on yourself for the answers or consult a trained, subject matter expert?
When a medical injury surfaces, do you rely on your own abilities or seek help from a trained, subject matter expert?
Why would you ever leave your negotiations to chance instead of involving experienced, trained subject matter experts?