having challenging conversations

Consensus to Open in Hong Kong
Consensus Hong Kong to Open later this Year August 15, 2018 (New York, NY) … Consensus has announced plans to expand into Hong Kong. Consensus Hong Kong will offer the firm’s flagship professional skills workshops, Maximizing Value through Collaborative Negotiation and Having [...]Read more

Consensus India to Open in 2017
Consensus India to Open in Hyderabad September 24, 2016 (New York, NY) … Consensus has announced plans to expand into India. Consensus India will offer the firm’s flagship professional skills workshops, Maximizing Value through Collaborative Negotiation and Having Challenging [...]Read more

Negotiation Report: Healthcare 3
Healthcare Negotiation Report: Patient Misunderstandings Establishing Trust to Assuage Patient Misunderstanding about Care and Insurance-Related Issues Rapid changes in healthcare policies and medical practices present new, pressing communication challenges for healthcare [...]Read more

Negotiation Report: Healthcare 2
Healthcare Negotiation Report: Administrator-Doctor Relationships Resolving Disputes between Hospital Administration and Physicians Healthcare professionals are subject to increased governmental scrutiny and administrative oversight. In an interview with Consensus, one doctor [...]Read more

Negotiation Report: Healthcare 1
Healthcare Negotiation Report: Know-It-All Patients Improving Patient Communication While Deescalating Patient Conflict Healthcare professionals face unique negotiation and communication challenges. Healthcare is a multifaceted industry in which healthcare professionals work in [...]Read more
Consensus Launches New Website
Consensus Launches New Website In an effort to better serve our clients and our website visitors, we have relaunched our website. Thus, in addition to sharing the various services we offer through our three service areas, we provide free advice and resources through our blog. Our [...]Read more