Reach New Heights
We help optimize individual performance to generate bottom-line results for your organization
Executive Coaching
Michael Jordan turned to Phil Jackson. JFK turned to Robert Kennedy. And Plato turned to Pythagoras. Even those performing at the highest levels benefit from an outside expert’s perspectives, insights, and advice.
To whom do your professionals turn to maximize their performance?
Our team of experienced coaches can help your organization reach new levels by working one-on-one with your staff. We help leaders, high-potentials, and others who can positively impact the bottom line refine their skills and overcome specific challenges.
Sample contexts include:
• Conflicts within a team, with other groups, with clients, etc.
• Difficult employee conversations such as performance reviews, warnings and terminations, situations of employee discord, etc.
• Important negotiations with clients, vendors, internal stakeholders, etc.
• Challenging client conversations regarding scope creep, miscommunication, failed expectations, etc.
• Critical client presentations designed to attract clients/investors, expand in-place relationships, gain internal buy-in, etc.

The Practitioner Advantage
Each member of our team has more than fifteen years of field experience, working on behalf of clients as their negotiators and mediators. As practitioners, we routinely test and apply cutting edge strategies and theories as part of our various client situations, ranging from hostage situations to billion-dollar business transactions to political standoffs.
Accordingly, we are highly informed about the strengths inherent to different approaches and frameworks, and how various theoretical concepts would or would not apply to your contexts. Our practitioner experience translates into more concrete advice based on firsthand experience, a true understanding of how theories play out in the real world (and when popular ideas would fall short), and an ability to relate to professionals at all levels of seniority – including members of your C-suite.
Contact us to discuss how our Executive Coaching solutions will help meet your learning objectives and participant needs.
Our coaching engagements are fully-customized for your organization.
(212) 391-8100